Wednesday 20 January 2016

PDF⋙ Human Nutrition by Catherine Geissler, Hilary Powers

Human Nutrition by Catherine Geissler, Hilary Powers

Human Nutrition

Human Nutrition by Catherine Geissler, Hilary Powers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This title is now available under ISBN 9780702044632.

This 12th edition of Human Nutrition has been fully updated by a renowned team of international experts to ensure to ensure authoritative content and a global perspective. It provides a comprehensive resource for all those in the field of nutrition and other health sciences.

Comprehensive coverage of nutrition in one, concise volume with additional material and interactive exercises on website.

A similar logical chapter structure throughout and textbook features in each chapter - learning objectives, key point summaries and text boxes - facilitate learning and revision.

Incorporates latest research, for example on organic foods and sustainable agriculture.

Team of contributors of international repute from 11 countries guarantees authoritative text.
  • New chapter on dietary reference values N
  • New section on electrolytes and water balance
  • Expanded section on HIV
  • Website:
    • updating between editions
    • online-only chapters on food commodities, e.g. cereals, vegetables and fruit, meat, fish, egg, milk and milk products
    • online examples of calculations and interactive exercises.

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